
The birth of my book III

“Dear Peggy, I’ve just received your invitation to book launch and am delighted to accept. Looking forward to the event.”

An invited guest sent this
shot to me when he received
my invitation card
“So happy to receive the invite! See on that date, Peggy!”

“Hi Peggy, I have received the invitation by post. Thank you. Looking forward. It’s so exciting.”

“We just received the invitation to your book launch. Thank you very much. We will be there. We are so happy for you. God bless and take care.”

“I will be there. Wouldn’t miss it for the world!”

“Thanks for your invite. We are your honoured guests, Peggy. We’re so proud of you.”

The above messages and variations of such messages have been pouring in since the invitations were safely delivered by Abang Pos to invitees both here and Kuala Lumpur.

Some added comments and questions about the invitation card like, “I like your invitation card. Did you design it?” I have replied with details about the design concept.

Another who received the card after the Reply By date, asked “Is it too late to confirm attendance? And if not, is it ok to bring my husband along?” I promptly replied, assuring her that she should bring her husband.

One of the guests boldly asked if she may bring four more people from their team! She said, “All of them want to go. Standing room is fine for them…” I couldn’t help smiling because it was heart-warming to know that they were so keen to be part of the event.

It will certainly be a challenge to accommodate all my friends, relatives, business associates and contacts in one room so very regretfully, some may inevitably be left out. This however does not stop them from showing their support and interest in my book.

Invitation cards with envelopes
A friend who was leaving for Melbourne in late June sent her congratulations and a list of questions including, “Do you have pre-launch copies?”

She went on, “Would love to bring a copy to present as a birthday gift to a boy who moved there a few years ago. Of course it must be autographed!”

She continued: “Then ah…When I get back and the books are on the shelves ah… can you autograph for me? I’ve got lots of JB-ites who are no more here, whom I’m sure would be absolutely delighted to read your tales.”

Speaking of shelves, Emily said, “I will get mine from MPH! I want the feeling of finding your book in the store and buying it myself.”

When she added, “Must take photo of myself buying the book!” I reminded her that the store’s CCTV may catch her in action so it would be better if she asked the store assistant to snap the photo of her!

I was not only amused but also deeply touched by her idea and gently reminded her that the books are not yet on the shelves until after its launch.

Facade of the MPH bookstore at Johor Baru City Square
A former classmate who planned to host her Raya open-house in KL on the same day as my book launch, changed her date so that she could be at my event. It was just spontaneous. She read the date on my invitation card and promptly said, “I’m coming!”

Another former classmate who now resides in KL told me she shared The birth of my book on her Facebook page as well as with other Johor-related groups. One of her colleagues is also a Convent JB alumni (very much our junior!) and she too had shared the link with her friends.

Cousin Shaun, now also based in KL, said in our Cousins chat group: “I’ll be there with the entire family.” His brother, Ryan, next piped in, “The troop will be there.”

When I told Gwen about how this event is developing into something bigger than expected, she wisely commented, “Everybody who knows you is excited and happy for you.”

As for Gwen, she had promised to send three books to aunts and cousins in Canada and was getting one for her uncle here because they would be able to relate to my recollections of old JB. Gwen reminded me that many Johoreans have family and friends who grew up in JB and have moved far away. She assured me, “They will love your book.”

My initial plan for the book launch was a small but significant event but this idea seemed to have gone out the window. As I receive more replies confirming attendance, it really looks like there will only be standing room. The venue may not be big but I’m sure we will accommodate everyone quite comfortably.

Words cannot fully describe how deeply I appreciate this awesome show of support from friends and family. Thank you all, so very much.

P.S. I just received an email from MPH Publishing KL, informing that the books are ready and the batch for me, will be sent by courier today. [I’m speechless with excitement!] This means the books should be in the stores very soon.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Peggy Loh

    It is some time since we corresponded and you generously included me in your blog. Congratulations on your book launch. I'm sure it will be a tremendous success. Just one question . . . How can I get hold of a copy bearing in mind I live in Yorkshire?

    Richard Hayter
