
FOLO Gives, a FOLO Farm charity initiative

Feed Our Loved Ones or FOLO in short, is a small community-supported organic farm that was started by a few families in Johor Baru.

Over the years, the FOLO Farm has grown to serve some 500 families in JB and Singapore.

In 2018, I had the privilege to feature their inspiring story in my book, My Johor Stories 2: Interesting Places and Inspirational People and am familiar with the work of these urban farmers.

As the nation enters the second Movement Control Order (MCO) in January 2021, JB has seen an upsurge of people in need and the FOLO community of families have started, FOLO Gives, to help some 300 needy people here.

FOLO Gives is a charity initiative by the FOLO Farm community in Johor Baru.

FOLO farmers collecting donations from
a generous sponsor

The have started a FOLO Gives Facebook page to gather support from loved ones, friends and members of the public to help communities in JB who are in need during these uncertain times and to document this collective action transparently.

For a start, FOLO Gives is listening to the needs of local Social Heroes like Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and Non-Governmental Individuals (NGIs) who have been working closely with the homeless and urban poor for many years.

FOLO Gives is particularly impressed by the Social Heroes’ intimate, long term, nutrition and mental health programmes put in place based on their friendship and deep understanding of the root causes of the needs in these communities.

Transporting the donated items

Based on these needs, FOLO Gives has come up with a six to 12-month support initiative to show love and gratitude as they partner with the Social Heroes in their work.

This includes helping to procure food and necessary items, gather donations and in getting volunteers.

Currently, FOLO Gives is seeking sponsors and affordable sources from local manufacturers, distributors, and pharmacies, for weekly and monthly supplies of dry provisions, personal hygiene goods and multi-vitamins.

Donated items being ferried by express service

While daily meals are essential, they know that vitamins will improve nutrition, which is key to better mental health.

FOLO Gives believes that this collective effort will, in some small way, bring relief, peace and hope to these needy communities and the people who are helping them.

It is the desire of FOLO Gives to cultivate a spirit of gratitude and foster a closer community which is united by our practice of generosity.

A car packed full to the brim
with sponsored bread rolls

As such, you are invited to support FOLO Gives by connecting them to reliable sources of the required items and are welcome to contribute material goods or to volunteer your help.

If you wish to support this initiative, please log into the FOLO Gives Facebook page to send in your messages.

This Facebook page has a list of donations and purchases which is progressively updated for easy reference. 

Thank you for your partnership and generosity.

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